Books By Leah

Books by Leah

Canopy of the Soul – 5d’s Golden hour
by Leah LaChapelle SOFT COVER 215 PAGES $16.95
Canopy of the Soul, 5D’s Golden Hour
is the bridge between the worlds of 3D and 5D.
Fresh from the Old Paradigm of 3D separation and control, Aaron
and Avery pioneer the manifestation of a new Human 5D
civilization just beyond the Great Shift of the Ages. With
illuminating graphics, clear explanations, language expansion,
genuine and lighthearted characterization, Canopy of the Soul is
the scienti c, artistic, philosophic establishment of a New
Paradigm for Earth and Earth inhabitants. Let this story support
Your creative process for evolving a new Human civilization,
through the gateway of your imagination and spiritual
intelligence. If you’d like a signed copy by Leah, use the link below.

Books by Leah LaChapelle

Soul Shade – REVEALING the New Human Archetype; $14.99; 314 pgs. 133 word glossary and 97 endnotes; available at Amazon

ChAMbers of Consciousness – $7.00; 124 pgs with practical how to quick start your own 5D group; available at Amazon

UNZipping Reality – 70 pgs. Illustrated available as an e-book and soft cover at